Monday, 30 January 2012

Dera Bugti:Military offensives continue, 5 Bugti Tribesmen abducted– BRP

Occupied Balochistan:A statement released by a pro-independence Baloch political party Baloch Republican Party (BRP) stated that military offensives increased in Occupied Balochistan in recent days in contrary to the statements of occupying forces of Pakistan claiming a complete end to the military operations in Balochistan.

Military offensives continue unabated in Balochistan and occupying forces violated the privacy of many houses during late night raids in Dera Bugti, Balochistan. Residents of the houses including Women, children and aged-persons were harassed by forces.

Five Baloch namely Zafar s/o Meeral, Murad Ali s/o Shah Murad, Haizo s/o Shah Murad, Jumma s/o Shah Murad and Hammal Baloch were abducted during the raids and forces took them away toward an undisclosed location where they are feared to be inhumanly tortured or even to be killed and dumped as a continuation of notorious Kill and Dump policy of the occupying forces.

In previous days, occupying forces of Pakistan carried out a massive offensive in PirKoh area of Dera Bugti where 3 including an aged-men “Shoungal” and a woman namely “Jannat Bibi” were wounded who later succumbed to injuries because they were kept hostage till many hours and relatives were not allowed by occupying forces to shift the injured to hospital for medical treatment.

Spokesman of BRP said “the statements of occupying forces claiming a complete halt to the military operations in Balochistan are based on lies and are efforts to befool the world about the facts in Balochistan. If there is no military operation going on in Balochistan than why doesn’t the occupying forces let the media and fact finding teams to freely operate in Balochistan and inform the world about crimes against humanity committed by Pakistani forces in Balochistan?”

He added Dera Bugti and Kohistan Marri among many other areas are still no-go zones for journalists and common people and Pakistani forces are preparing for a new military offensive in Makran region where their unusual patrolling and gatherings were noticed in recent days.

We urge international community to end its prolonged silence on crimes against humanity and human rights violations by Pakistani forces in Balochistan and practically intervene for an end to the ongoing violence.

Courtesy: Gulzameen