Monday, 30 January 2012

Baloch Militant Organizations Accepted Responsibilities Of The Attacks On Occupying Forces In Buleda And Sui

Occupied Balochsiatn: Baloch militant organizations, fighting for a free and sovereign Baloch state Balochistan against Pakistani army in occupied Balochistan took responsibilities of attacks on occupying forces in Solu, Buleda town and it's Back organization Amaan Lashkar (Peace Force), an armed group created by Pakistan military to counter Baloch freedom fighters in Dera Bugti region in Pat Feeder in district Sui.

According to detail the Baloch Liberation Front’s (BLF) spokesman Gwahram Baloch informed media through a satellite phone from an undisclosed location ,accepted the responsibility of the attack on FC convoy in Solo area of Buleda town and said in this ambush 6 FC personnels killed and 8 injured,while vehicle completely destroyed.The spokesman vowed by saying that they would not relent and continue their attacks until Balochistan is liberated from Pakistani occupation. According to local media reports the convoy of three vehicles of invading forces were patrolling in the Solu area of Buleda sub district when came under attack by Baloch freedom fighters.

In an other incidents the spokesman of Baloch Republican Army Sarbaz Baloch accepted the responsibility of the attack on Amaan Lashkar (Peace Force) in Pat Feeder area of District Sui ,resultantly four members of Amaan Lashkar were killed at the spot during face to face battle against Aman Lashkar including a commander was named as Atta Mohammad s/o Ali Mohammad Hamzani Bugti also known as Commander Lora.. According to police unknown gunmen have ambushed a camp of peace lashkar in Pat Feedr area of District Sui; resultantly a commander of Peace lashker and three of his associates were killed at the spot during face to face battle.

The spokesman of Baloch Republican Army Sarbaz Baloch said that Baloch Freedom fighters also took the arms of the dead personnel into custody and eventually detonated and destroyed the camp completely.

Courtesy: Balochjohd