Javed Baloch, father of 9-year-old Hajran Baloch, refuses to take financial support of other nations. “I can spread my hands only in front of Baloch nation because it’s the nation I belong to. Hajran is not only my daughter but the daughter of whole Baloch nation,” said Javed Baloch while talking to local Balochi TV channel.
Hajran Baloch, the adorable 9-year-old girl, lacks an esophagus since her birth. She has not eaten anything orally in 9 years of her total life. The sweet looking girl doesn’t know what is the sweetness of a chocolate, the sour taste of a candy or the enjoyment of an ice cream. She is taking food from her hub by a pipe.
Her brave father has spent all his money on 16 operations that doctors have carried out on his daughter’s tiny body. But the ordeal of his poor daughter has not been treated as yet. This time the mere money his father owns is not enough, as the doctors have demanded a massive 1.5 million PKR to save Hajran’s life. Javed had no other option but to resort on seeking help from others but the Balochi Ghairat didn’t allow this graceful dad to spread his hands before any other nation. The courageous father decided to seek support only from Baloch nation, risking her daughter’s precious life.
“I have trust in my nation and I know my nation will not disappoint me,” Mr. Javed replied to the anchor when asked why he refused to give interviews to other Pakistani channels?
It is the moral duty of every Baloch to play her part in saving the life of poor Hajran Baloch. When his father has such great expectations from his nation it is the moral duty of Baloch nation to not disappoint him. Any help in any from from a Baloch is very precious help to save life of Banok Hajran.
Youtube: Hajiraan Baloch 9 Year Old Want to Help From Baloch Peoples
Hajran Baloch, the adorable 9-year-old girl, lacks an esophagus since her birth. She has not eaten anything orally in 9 years of her total life. The sweet looking girl doesn’t know what is the sweetness of a chocolate, the sour taste of a candy or the enjoyment of an ice cream. She is taking food from her hub by a pipe.
Her brave father has spent all his money on 16 operations that doctors have carried out on his daughter’s tiny body. But the ordeal of his poor daughter has not been treated as yet. This time the mere money his father owns is not enough, as the doctors have demanded a massive 1.5 million PKR to save Hajran’s life. Javed had no other option but to resort on seeking help from others but the Balochi Ghairat didn’t allow this graceful dad to spread his hands before any other nation. The courageous father decided to seek support only from Baloch nation, risking her daughter’s precious life.
“I have trust in my nation and I know my nation will not disappoint me,” Mr. Javed replied to the anchor when asked why he refused to give interviews to other Pakistani channels?
It is the moral duty of every Baloch to play her part in saving the life of poor Hajran Baloch. When his father has such great expectations from his nation it is the moral duty of Baloch nation to not disappoint him. Any help in any from from a Baloch is very precious help to save life of Banok Hajran.
Youtube: Hajiraan Baloch 9 Year Old Want to Help From Baloch Peoples