Saturday, 17 December 2011

Hyrbyair Marri congratulates Bangladesh on their Victory Day

London: Baloch patriotic leader, Hyrbiyar Marri, felicitated the people of Bangladesh on the historic day of 16th December. Mr. Marri, in a statement, paid rich tribute to brave people of Bangladesh who fought against tyranny in 1971.

“The victory of Bengalis is a matter of great joy and a courageous event for oppressed nations of the world. A barbaric state tried hard to eliminate the people from the pages of history but the brave and continuous struggle by people of Bengal failed all the notorious adventures designed against them,” He said on behalf of Baloch nation.

However, on the 16th of December 1971, the Pakistani army surrendered to the Indo-Bangladeshi High Command in Dhaka, ending a 9 month war of independence. Pakistani General AAK Niazi surrendered officially to the Allied forces commander General Arora. Bengalis till this day mark this day as a Day of Victory.

Mr. Marri said that the widespread killings and other atrocities in Bangladesh carried out by Pakistan Army are open secrets. From the infamous “Operation Searchlight” to the killing of thirty million innocent and unarmed civilians, everything is on record. Now the same cruel state is repeating the history of Bangladesh against Baloch people in occupied Balochistan. Another calculated genocide, after a gap of 40 years, is now going on in Balochistan carried by same Pakistan Army. The indiscriminate killing of Baloch students, intellectuals and peaceful political activists is exactly the repetition of Bengali people’s ordeal. Army backed death squads murdered a large section of intellectual community of Bangladesh in 1971.

He further said that the nations couldn’t be wiped out through killings. The oppression and subjugation will unite the like-minded suppressed people but cannot destroy them. It was through honest struggle that today Bangladesh exists as a free state on the map of world.

“We congratulate people of Bangladesh on this blissful day and we hope they will raise their voice for the people of Balochistan who are suffering through the hands of same Pakistan Army. We also want the world to know that any negligence on their part will result in a recurrence of a genocide in which 30 million people were murdered. It is the utmost responsibility of international community to take strict action against violators of human rights,” He added.

Pakistan army’s atrocities in Balochistan in the name of religion: Quote:
“since we the army of God, we are fighting for Allah almighty and these Balochi people are kaafir (infidels). They are fighting against Allah and his prophet on the saying of Israel and India that is why killing them in permissible and serving Islam”. After the speech all the solders said “Allaho Akbar – God is great.”

Confession of a Pakistani Soldier killing Bengalis in the name of religion: Quote:

" we were told to kill the Hindus and Kafirs (non-believer in God). One day in June, we cordoned a village and were ordered to kill the Kafirs in that area. We found all the village women reciting from the Holy Quran, and the men holding special congregational prayers seeking God’s mercy. But they were unlucky. Our commanding officer ordered us not to waste any time.”

Source: Balochwarna