Thursday, 19 January 2012

Balochistan Operation: Urgent Appeal To World Fact Finding Commissions To Visit

Heavy bombardment in Kohistan Marri by Pakistani Army left 20 civilians dead including women and children, several others injured. Reports Cluster and Napalm bombs being shelled over local population. Dozens blindfolded and taken to unknown places.

Pakistani army helicopter gunships and fighter jets bombarded several villages in Chamalang area of Kohistan Marri including Bahlul, Chajbala, Shahelcham, Khujal, Annar, Chechand and others on Monday. According to latest reports the areas are still under siege and victims are suffering from worse human crisis as the wounded are left dying without any medical help.

Baloch National Voice has called upon international community to immediately intervene and send Independent Fact Finding Commissions to visit Balochistan and investigate these human rights violations committed by Pakistani army. 

The military operation began on Monday when helicopter gunships and Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jets bombarded these villages killing at least 20 innocent villagers and injuring several others. The ground troops continuously fired long-distance missiles along with modern artillery.

The victims suffer from worse crisis as the injured lack any kind of medical help which may, too, increase the death toll. No immediate reach and extreme cold weather have added to the sufferings. Reports of numerous livestock dying in the operation and many sheep and goats being taken by the army straight to their camps.

According to sources, four gunship helicopters and three PAF fighter jets took part in the operation. Chemical bombs that included Cluster, Napalm and Phosphorous bombs were shelled over the local population resulting in death of scores of women and children including infants. The entire area was covered with black smoke during the massacre.

Baloch National Voice appeals to UN, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Red Cross and other world organizations to immediately send their independent fact finding commissions to Balochistan to help stop the ongoing crisis.

Pakistani mainstream media's intentional negligence over Balochistan operation is absolutely nothing new. The state policy of Baloch genocide is equally shared by all mainstream state elements including Pakistani biased media, dummy political parties and the disabled judiciary.

According to prominent Baloch activists, the ongoing military operation in Balochistan is Pakistani army's response to the recent statements made by the US State Department showing concern on the human rights violations there. It is to be noted there has also been a sudden increase in the 'kill & dump' policy counting 28 bullet-riddled bodies of Baloch civilians in just 18 days since the new year.